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hikinkg manIf you like hiking, it is important to take precautions and stay safe. Whether you are a novice or a seasoned professional, there is always a risk of injury. The joints of the lower limbs are especially vulnerable when traversing tricky terrain.

Proper footwear is essential when you go hiking. The right shoe or boot will keep your feet dry, comfortable, and supported. It is also important to research the hiking trail before you set off to get an idea of the terrain and challenges.

Hikers should always stick to planned routes and share this information with friends or relevant agencies. Bring all the items required for the type of terrain and weather you are likely to face. Most importantly, do not attempt to push past the limits of your experience or endurance.

Hiking Joint Injuries

Ankle and knee sprains are perhaps the most common injuries you may suffer during a hike. You could easily lose your footing with uneven ground, loose stone, or earth to traverse. Pushing through the pain is not recommended as it could exacerbate the injury.

You also risk becoming stranded if you suffer a sprained joint. If possible, turn back immediately or seek help from emergency services. Your health is more important than completing the challenge. Besides, you can always try again once you are healed.

Fractures & Dislocations

Trips and falls while hiking can occur regardless of your experience level. Suffering a fracture or dislocation is a devastating injury. You will need medical treatment to repair the damage before hiking again.

In many cases, hikers do not realize they have suffered a fracture or dislocation. If you are experiencing pain, inflammations, or mobility issues after your hike, seek medical care. A minor injury can worsen without treatment, so do not ignore chronic symptoms.

Previous Injuries

Weak bones, muscles, ligaments or tendons from previous injuries increase the risk of further injuries. When hiking, the joints are under additional pressure and must absorb greater forces. If you have suffered sprains, fractures or dislocations in the past, take greater care when traversing difficult terrain.

Call the offices of Jonathan Glashow, MD, for an orthopedic care specialist in New York City. We offer solutions that will ensure you can continue enjoying hiking for many years to come.

Posted on behalf of Jonathan Glashow, MD

737 Park Ave, #1A
New York, NY 10021

Phone: (212) 794-5096


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