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The demand put on the knees from everyday living, work and sporting activity can become overwhelming. As complex, load-bearing joints, the knees are designed to absorb shock and carry your weight. When those forces become excessive, health problems such as injury or arthritis can occur.

In the past, individuals suffering from a significant knee injury or joint-related medical condition had limited treatment options. With today’s technological advancements, techniques and procedures have vastly improved. One such method is known as “knee arthroscopy,” which comes from the Greek words “arthro” (joint) and “skopein” (look).

Diagnosis Using Arthroscopy

An arthroscopy procedure allows orthopedic surgeons to closely examine an injured or diseased joint without the need to perform surgery. One small incision is used to insert a camera into the joint, which then projects images onto a screen.

As a diagnosis method, knee arthroscopy is minimally-invasive and low risk. At this stage of your treatment journey, the surgeon is only concerned with discovery of issues such as deterioration or the presence of loose bodies. However, knee arthroscopy has further applications if treatment is needed.

Knee Arthroscopy Treatment Benefits

Knee arthroscopy is used in much the same way as a surgical methodology, except another small incision is needed to accommodate small surgical tools. As there are no large incisions used, risks such as damaging tissue or causing major bleeding are practically non-existent. Recovery time with knee arthroscopic surgery is also significantly shorter.

There are several suitable applications for knee arthroscopy, including:

  • Meniscus tissue repair
  • Synovial tissue removal
  • Articular cartilage repair
  • Removing bone fragments
  • Treating infections
  • Knee cap treatments
  • Treating issues involving the kneecap
  • Anterior cruciate ligament repair

If you are experiencing knee pain, inflammation or instability, reach out to the NYC offices of Jonathan Glashow MD today to discuss arthroscopic diagnosis and treatment options.

Posted on behalf of Jonathan Glashow, MD

737 Park Ave, #1A
New York, NY 10021

Phone: (212) 794-5096


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