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Shoulder Replacement Surgery

The shoulder joint is prone to injuries and disease that can limit function. A painful or restricted shoulder can impact your quality of life, making it difficult to perform daily tasks and enjoy your favorite activities. When shoulder treatments no longer can manage the pain or improve the function of a damaged joint, replacement surgery may be an option. Jonathan L. Glashow, MD orthopedic surgery and sports injury center offers advanced shoulder replacement surgery at our facility in Miami, FL.

Like any major joint, the shoulder glenohumeral joint can be damaged from injuries, wear and disease. There are many treatments, surgical and non-surgical, that can be used to improve the function of the shoulder, but there can come a time when there are no more treatment options. For those with substantially damaged shoulder joints with lost cartilage, bone damage or extreme rotator cuff injuries, shoulder joint replacement may be the best procedure to restore function and minimize pain.

Replacing the Shoulder Joint

Shoulder joint replacement devices are made from materials like metal and plastic that can be used to replace damaged bone components in the shoulder. There are different options in shoulder replacement, from a partial joint replacement for the humerus head or glenoid socket to a complete shoulder replacement device. Dr. Glashow and our experienced orthopedic team can determine what type of surgery will best suit each patient depending on their specific shoulder joint injury.

Shoulder replacement surgery can give patients with chronic shoulder pain and dysfunction back their arm and hand mobility. While this procedure can be life-changing, it is usually a last resort when all other treatments are ineffective. Dr. Glashow is one of the top orthopedic surgeons in the country, specializing in shoulder joint injuries, repairs and replacement surgery.

If you have a painful, dysfunctional shoulder that no longer is responding to treatments, it may be time to consider joint replacement surgery. To learn more about the options available and whether you are a good candidate for shoulder replacement surgery, contact the office of Jonathan L. Glashow, MD in Miami, FL to schedule a consultation.

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